
Chris & Tim Alonso
Donna Delaney, Bill Sexton, Chris & Tim Alonso, Kevin Shrieve
Terry Gannon, Rhonda Pardini
Paul and Sherri Leipzig, Lori B.

A Toast to the host. Shelly McManus to Lori Bulanti
Lori Bulanti

Cathy Keegan, Lori B.

 Rhonda Pardini, Lori Bulanti, Mike Gordon
Ernie Belasco
Jim Anderson, Shelly McManus, Lori B. Patti Brouhard

_, Maureen Maloney & Steven, Laura Lane

George Biocini, Mona Wong, Sara Lange
Tim and Chris, Donna Delaney
Diane Brosnan, Kevin Shrieve
Shelly McManus, Patti Brouhard
Diane Brosnan, Kevin Shrieve, Rhonda Pardini, Bill Sexton

 Bill & Waverly Sexton
Jeanne Spiker, Dede Sweeney

Hi Guys,
  Here are some recent photos of my family. My two sons, their spouses and the grandkids when we went to Disneyland in May (my wife and I were taking the pictures, that's why we aren't in it). The other picture is me and my wife, Jean at a wedding in June. Will send emails later to check on how you are doing.
 Mike Murphy

Mike & Jean Murphy
Mike Murphy's Family
From Julie Bond (with her grandaughter) in Oregon
Thanks for the great pics, everyone looks soo good, I am so sorry me and ron had to miss it, I have some medical problems going on, but hopefully will be there in 5 yrs! I wish I was more computer friendly, to send pics, still back in the developing pic to send, ha, ha! Love Colleen (Ganley)


It was good talking to you.  We have June 9, 2012 on our calendar.  Thanks for all your efforts. I have attached pictures of my children, Adam and Kaitlin (ages 23 and 21), my wife Kris and me, and Kris and me with Kris' sister Kathy, husband Gary and daughter Lindsay.  We were at Maroon Belles in Snowmass, Colorado. Take care.

Steve Robinson


  1. Also present: Ann Duckett, Bryan Reichert, Donna McCarthy, Jesse Beaton, Kathy Berg

  2. Please excuse me for only showing maiden names. I was lazy.

  3. Sure looks like I missed some fun. It was great looking at all the pictures, hope others to follow.
